June 2017




5 Kichik Gala str., Icheri Sheher, 

Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ1001

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Tuesday - Sunday: 12 pm > 8 pm


+994 12 505 1414



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15 Sep - 01 Oct 17

YARAT Contemporary Art Space presents "Far Horizons" exhibition to be held at ARTIM Project Space within ARTIM project. 

Far Horizons presents creative ideas of six young artists including Gulnara Kuzukova, Gafar Rzayev, Islam Hasanalizade, Aytan Abdullayeva, Natavan Hasanalizade and Sultan Babazade. Each of the artists has created works based on personal observation and research. Dealing with human rights, society problems, contemporary lifestyle, spirituality and heritage issues, the artists are expressing their position as "far horizon".

In her installation, Gulnara Kuzukova addresses women’s rights in Islamic countries. According to the research on this subject, the artist concluded that the women’s rights have been excessively oppressed and even trampled in some countries.

Sculptor Islam Hasanalzadeh, examining the question of "the factors under which the society has been deformed" focuses on the desire of people to change their appearance, which being as a key factor has already turned into some kind of illness.

Natavan Hasanalzade’s King Midas Virus installation is based on the ancient Greek mythology criticizes promotion of luxurious lifestyle and immense interest of modern people in luxuriousness in our society. 

Ayten Abdullayeva’s installation tells about how important small details are in our life. According to the artist, if one element of any item is missing, it will no longer be able to perform its function.

In his Bidah installation, Gafar Rzayev comments on different severe and unjustified attacks that Islam is being subjected to in the light of material culture. Another installation of the artist, Azeri Light touches on the natural wealth and cultural heritage of Azerbaijan.

Sultan Babazadeh’s See Yourself installation is a logical continuation of the project that he has prepared in the streets of Baku for a while. Project urges people to find a solution of their problems by looking into themselves.

Opening: September 15, 19:00

Exhibition dates: September 15 – Ocotober 1, 2017

Opening time: 2 – 8 PM 

Location: ARTIM Project Space (Icherisheher, Boyuk Gala str., 30, 001A)

Admission is free
