August 2017



Bayil District (National Flag Square) Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ1003

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Tuesday – Sunday:
12 am > 8 pm


+99412 505 1414


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30 Nov 17

YARAT Contemporary Art Space invites you to meet with specialists from Polish Ethnodesign Project in Baku.

The word “ethnodesign” cannot be found in any English dictionary. It was created in Poland in 2009, during the big exhibition in Krakow. Why was the ethnodesign found in Poland and why did it flourish here and became an export commodity of Polish designers? We invite you to learn more about the ethnodesign and to see the examples of successful works by Polish designers. The presentation will be headed by Slavomir Moiszushko - architect, interior designer, journalist of design works, creator of the Internet portal

The participants of the discussion will also be Anna Kotovich-Pushkarevich and Shimon Khanchar.

Anna Kotovich-Pushkarevich graduated the Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz. She is the founder of the design studio AZE Design (together with Arthur Pushkarevich). AZE Design mainly designs interior items – furniture, lamps, carpets, dishes. Designers left Warsaw, settled in a small village in eastern Poland. In the implementation of their work, they use the old methods: weaving, ceramics, braid, leather. The idea is to contribute the maintenance of dying traditional crafts. They call their projects: Mindmade.

Shimon Khanchar is a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture and Industrial Design in the Wrocław Academy of Fine Arts, currently a lecturer at this Academy. This term perfectly explains the design path that artists follow. The observation of nature and man becomes an impulse to create things that combine traditions and modernity.

“AZE is an attempt to find a balance between the old and the new. This is the realization of the idea of ​​a dialogue between dying crafts and modern design. We want the objects that we design to have all the characteristics of the craftsmanship, as well as the quality and modern design. We believe that skill can be a living and effective tool for creating”, say the designers.

Anna Kotovich-Pushkarevich took part in the project “Discovering Women in Polish Design” – an interview with Polish designers, conducted by Gian Luke Amadeus.

Scholarship in the Akademie der Bildende Künste in Munich, worked at the Munich design bureau Niki Szilagyi Matteo Thun Partner.

The German school of design with a pragmatic approach to design pays great attention to the functionality of the facility and the search for a simple and effective response to user requests. According to the designer, “Design is a problem for me, a puzzle for which we are looking for the best solution. Shimon Khanchar has his own design studio – Hanczar Studio. The studio designs restaurants, apartments, offices and trade stands. Their projects were presented in such newspapers as “Label”, “Icon”, “Dezeen Magazine”. One of the apartments designed by Khanchar was shown in the book “Small Homes. Grand Living” by the famous publishing house GESTALTEN.

Date: November 30, 2017

Time: 19:00

Location: YARAT Centre

Free admission
