February 2024

YARAT Education announces ARTIST screening and TALK WITH JORDAN BASEMAN

16 Oct - 18 Oct 13

Screening and Talk

Jordan Baseman 

Mugham Centre

16 - 18 October 2013

YARAT Contemporary Art Space is proud to announce that prominent American video artist Jordan Baseman will be screening new works, older works and experimental animations over two evenings. Jordan will discuss his interviews, creative non-fiction art practice and award winning films.

Jordan Baseman’s films have recently featured in international film festivals including: Los Angeles Animation Festival (Winner, Best Film in the Dangerous Experiments category); San Francisco Short Film Festival; Melbourne Underground Film Festival (Winner, Best International Short Film); Gstaad Film Festival; Oaxaca International Film Festival; Lone Star International Film Festival (Winner, Best Short Film); Fargo International Film Festival (Winner, Best Experimental Film); Kansas City International Film Festival (Winner, Best Experimental Short Film) and London Short Film Festival. His films have featured in biennials including the 53rd Venice Biennale and Tatton Park Biennial and have been the subject of numerous exhibitions, most recently Deadness at Matt's Gallery London.

Screenings will take place on October 16th  and 18th  at 19:00 at The Mugham Centre

Address: 9 Neftchilar Avenue, Baku

Admission: FREE


