June 2024


18 Nov - 24 Nov 22

Home is the place where our story begins.

The main goal of the three-day workshop is to create a memory for each participant – a diary or a series of postcards – with photos related to their hometown. It can be photos of a house, favorite places or things that carry sweet memories – the choice is up to everyone without any restrictions!

On the first day of the serial workshop, participants will meet photographer Lali Binyatova and hear the story of the creation of the “Bratsk” project – a part of the “Safe Zone” group exhibition. Participants will also have the opportunity to talk about their vision and interest in photography. The first day will end with homework for the weekend where the participants will walk independently around the places they call “home” and capture memories in frames.

On the second day, participants will share their impressions and analyze their photos, as well as learn how to create a single story using the series of photos, under the guidance of the tutor. After the final screening, the selected photos of the participants will be sent to print.

The fantasy and creativity will soar in the skies on the last day! Participants will have the opportunity to create a physical memory of their “home” in the form of postcards or a diary, using various materials, ranging from old newspapers to coffee-soaked cardboard papers, and

Tutor: Lali Binyatova

Dates: November 18, 22, 24 / 7 PM – 9 PM

Location: ARTIM Project Space

Age limit: 16+

Limited number of seats

COVID-passport is mandatory.
